
For the second time, Pim was forced to leave everything behind. At first, it was her father’s violent alcoholism that forced her family to flee. Now her husband had abandoned her, leaving her alone with their daughter. Desperate for an income, Pim moved to the city to search for work but found nothing. Seeing no other means of feeding her daughter, she began selling her body at night, hating every minute of it. But there was still one more move for Pim—this time to a safe place and a warm community that cared for her and her child. After meeting Pim on outreach, safehouse staff invited her to join their program and make a living in a different way. Now, for the first time, Pim loves what she does. Today she dreams of going back to school and studying accounting so that she and her daughter can start a new life. It is your purchase that helps move women like Pim to safe places, lifting them and their children to lives of dignity.
Name changed to protect privacy