Human Trafficking Prevention Month:

How Can You Make a Difference?

By Ana Marie Bohr, WAR, Int’l Staff Writer
January 11, 2018

Human trafficking is going on all around us. It could be happening in your very own neighborhood, down the street, or even in the local grocery store parking lot. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Human trafficking is estimated to be the third largest criminal enterprise in the world. This is not a topic we can casually brush aside or turn a blind eye to.

What is Human Trafficking, Anyway?

The U.S. State Department defines human trafficking as “the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.” Exploitation of a minor for commercial sex purposes is considered a crime even if force, fraud, or coercion is not involved. In short, human trafficking is simply modern-day slavery.

Many people think this is something that just happens overseas, or that human trafficking in the U.S. takes place only in the big cities and poor communities. Others become fearful and think it happens as seen in the movies, and only to teenage girls and young women. But the truth is that behind closed doors, things are not always what they seem to be.

Human trafficking in the U.S. happens in wealthy suburbs, middle-class towns, and rural communities, to males and females of various ages. Some are preyed upon by strangers who hang out in public places such as malls, scouting out young men and women who appear to be vulnerable. Often, however, victims are exploited by someone they know and truly trust: family members, boyfriends, classmates, or even employers.

Trafficking victims can be as young as 12 years old, or even younger. But whether adults or children, recovering victims may feel defeated and even hopeless. Most often, they need all the help and support they can get emotionally, physically, and even spiritually.

How Can I Make a Difference?

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. This is the perfect opportunity to take a step of action and make a change in your community!

You may be wondering how it’s possible to make a difference in an issue that is so widespread, destructive, and seemingly hopeless.  Here are some simple ways you can get involved:

  • Get educated and learn the indicators of human trafficking so you can identify a potential trafficking victim. Good resources include public awareness materials available from the Department of Health and Human Services or the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Be well informed. Set up a web alert to receive current human trafficking news.
  • If you suspect a trafficking situation, report your suspicions to law enforcement by calling 911 or the 24-hour National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.
  • Host an awareness event to watch and discuss films about human trafficking.
  • Organize a fundraiser and donate the proceeds to an anti-trafficking organization.
  • Be a conscientious and informed consumer. Remember that human trafficking includes labor trafficking as well. Be aware of who picked your tomatoes or made your clothing. Consider buying Fair Trade items!
  • Help support an organization providing services to trafficking victims by donating your time, talents, or money.
  • Work with a local community group or religious congregation to spread awareness on human trafficking.
  • Check out local community organizations involved in preventative action. Get involved in a mentoring program or street outreach.

Getting Involved With Women At Risk, International

No matter where in the U.S. you live, Women At Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) offers a variety of opportunities for you to become educated and help in pursuing our mission to end slavery.

  • Host a Party or Event

    WAR, Int’l carries thousands of items crafted by trafficking survivors and other at-risk individuals in our partnering programs. Showing and selling these items is a simple, yet very effective, way to support the women and men who create them. Just $300 in product sales is enough to support an individual in a safehouse for an entire month! Click here for more information on hosting a “party with a purpose” at your home, your church, a local craft fair, or almost any venue you choose!

  • Organize or Attend a Civilian First Responder (CFR) Training

    We’ve conducted these anti-trafficking training sessions in numerous cities across the U.S. In one eight-hour session, we teach you how to recognize the signs of trafficking in your community, help you understand healthy ways to respond to crisis situations, and equip you to share this information with others in your circle! Visit our website for more information!

  • Volunteer

    We have volunteers all over the country who help us by staffing product tables at speaking events and conferences. If you live in West Michigan, we also offer volunteer opportunities at our headquarters. Check out our opportunities here, or email us for more information! The work of our hands-on volunteers saves us over a hundred thousand dollars each year, enabling us to use more funds to aid trafficking victims and continue our trafficking awareness and prevention programs!

  • “Like” and Share our things on Social Media

    Social media is an amazing platform for reaching and impacting people across the globe! It’s a great way to help spread human trafficking awareness as well! By liking and sharing our things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you not only spread the word to others but also stay up to date with issues, current stories, and upcoming events. This is a great way to stay connected locally and globally!

  • How will you make a difference this month? Whether you get involved with WAR, Int’l or another anti-trafficking organization, we are excited to have you alongside us in the fight to end modern-day slavery!


    Resources to check out:

    U.S. Dept. of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

    Polaris Project

    Shared Hope International

    National Human Trafficking Hotline

Be the Change: National Make a Difference Day

By Darius Hall | WAR, Int’l Intern

As October begins to dwindle down, many people look forward to festivities at the end of the month while enjoying the last remnants of fall before winter hits. In the middle of all this, an important day has often been overlooked: National Make A Difference Day, celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday of October. In 2019, this falls on October 26.

What Is National Make A Difference Day?

Established in 1992,  this “national day of doing good” promotes the idea of volunteering as a positive and heartwarming event and emphasizes the impact that volunteering can have on one’s own community.  It strives to change the view of volunteering from an obligation to a privilege, helping us become a society that embraces the ideals of volunteerism.

National Make A Difference Day has been deemed one of the largest single days of service both globally and stateside. While it originated in the United States, it is also observed in about 30 other countries. According to the National Make A Difference Day website, the annual net value of the 30-million-plus volunteer hours documented would be worth about $635 million.

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering can greatly impact the community and can inspire others to serve. It is an opportunity for individuals of varying racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds to come together to serve, seeking to help others without expecting anything back in return.

The National Make a Difference Day website provides tools and resources for those who want to maximize their volunteer efforts. You can start your own project such as a recycling event, a food drive, or a 5k benefit run, or you may simply gather a group of friends to serve at a local homeless shelter. You may also choose to volunteer at an established project within your community. Search the hashtag #MDDAY on social media to learn about other service projects and spread awareness. As long as you are volunteering, you are fulfilling the goal of National Make A Difference Day.

How Can You Make a Difference through Women At Risk, International?

Women At Risk International (WAR, Int’l) understands the impact of volunteering and offers numerous opportunities for those who want to make a difference.

One of the most effective things you can do with WAR, Int’l is to host a party or event to sell products made by our partnering programs and promote awareness of WAR, Intl’s mission. Just $300 in sales is enough to sustain a woman in an international safehouse for an entire month!

At our West Michigan headquarters, we rely on volunteers for things such as tagging products and preparing mailings. These seemingly small tasks make a big difference, saving us tens of thousands of dollars each year. Some volunteers work in our boutiques or offer creative or professional skills. Whatever your contribution may be, your time and efforts make a difference for at-risk individuals throughout the world.

WAR, Int’l would like to thank those who have wholeheartedly volunteered and dedicated their time to our missions and goals. Every contribution makes a difference. We appreciate the loving support given by our volunteers as we continue to fight for the freedom and safety of those at risk.

Updated October 2019 | Originally posted October 2017

America Takes a Stand Against Human Trafficking

By Alexa Narsh, WAR, In’tl Intern

The year is 1847 and slavery is a prevalent force in American society, yet tucked away in Rochester New York one man stands to make a difference. Fredrick Douglass, an ex-slave, publishes the North Star, which will become the most influential anti-slavery paper of the era. Douglass was a warrior of justice, always fighting for freedom from all forms of slavery and inequality.

On July 12, 2017, that same fire and spirit that drove Douglass proved to also be alive in the hearts of American leaders today. In honor of all that Douglass stood for in his battle to end slavery, the House passed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2017, introduced by Representative Chris Smith R-NJ, and Representative Karen Bass D-Calif.


This federal Act is a momentous win in the fight against the modern day form of slavery: human trafficking. Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or coercion (such as abduction, deception, abuse, and bribes) for the purpose of exploitation (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).  It is one of the fastest-growing organized crimes in the world, with an estimated 40 million victims globally (27 million adults and 13 million children), and 80% of human trafficked victims are used for sex (Fact Retriever). Contrary to popular belief, human trafficking, especially sex trafficking, is not a foreign problem happening far away from American borders. In the U.S. alone, between 14,500 and 17,500 people (The Odyssey Online) are trafficked each year across our borders, and that number continues to rise. With such an alarming growth rate, it’s no wonder even world leaders are beginning to take a stand against it.


As the bill’s name signifies, it is a reauthorization of the Trafficking Victim Protection Act of 2000, which was one of the country’s most inclusive human trafficking legislation. With the newly added revisions, it has become more thorough and effective than ever before. The new provisions aim to diminish not only domestic trafficking but also international trafficking. One way the new bill addresses international trafficking is by preventing any goods made from forced and child labor from entering the U.S.; another is by monitoring migrant workers crossing our borders to ensure they are not trafficking victims. The Act also states that any country utilizing child soldiers will be penalized by restricting military assistance. With this bill, America will hold its partners and allies to the same standard, and have a zero-tolerance policy toward those who put no effort into preventing human trafficking within their borders.

Once it passes the Senate, the changes that take place in our borders will be more than noticeable. We can now expect our children to become more educated on the subject by having age-appropriate programs in schools that will show what traffickers look for, and how to avoid becoming a victim. Certain employees can also expect changes within the work place.

Medical personnel, social workers, those in the hospitality industry, and even domestic airline workers will now be required to learn how to identify a victim of trafficking, as well as the correct procedures to follow when reporting a suspicious situation to the appropriate authorities. Our law enforcement officers will also be receiving more extensive training on the matter, which is something many states previously lacked.

These are only a few of the many revisions made to this bill in an effort to seriously fight back against human trafficking, both domestically and internationally. This bill passed the House with no resistance, which means our leaders are recognizing a problem that thrives on being under the radar. These leaders are determined to shed as much light on this evil as possible. This step forward means we can no longer be ignorant of the issue, and we now fully recognize this as a domestic immorality that needs to be extinguished. These alterations are going to make America a leader in abolishing modern-day slavery as we set the example for countries all over the world. With the emphasis on trafficking awareness, and an intentionality of stopping the demand thanks to the new bill, future generations of Americans will be prevented from being victims.

Congress has also recently passed dozens of anti-trafficking laws such as The Enhancing Detection of Human Trafficking Act (Rep Tim Walberg R-Michigan), and the Empowering Law Enforcement to Fight Sex Trafficking Demand Act (Rep Vicky Hartzler R-Mo. As the days go on, the passion that drove Frederick Douglass and continues to drive our leaders will continue to thrive in America. The Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2017 is proof of that.

Let us continue to rally together, pushing for better laws, for justice, and for healing from human trafficking and modern-day slavery. One very effective way to combat trafficking is to support programs that shelter and employ trafficking survivors and those at risk for trafficking. An easy way to do this is to host a party or event with WAR, Int’l, selling product made by rescued and at-risk women in these programs. Another is to help raise trafficking awareness in your own community by hosting or attending an anti-trafficking training event, inviting a WAR, Int’l ambassador to speak at your school, or having a representative from WAR, Int’l come and speak to your church or organization. For other ways to get involved with Women At Risk, International and aid in the fight against this injustice, see our Take Action page!



How to turn #MyFreedomDay into #MillionsFreedomDay


What does freedom mean to you? Does it mean having the power to think and speak freely? The opportunity to get an education?  The ability to hold a job? Having a roof over your head? Or maybe, having free time to surf the web and read articles about what freedom means to you?

Currently, there are anywhere from 27 to 30 million men, women, and children that do not have freedom. Instead of going to school, working a paid job, or having a safe place to come home to, these people are forced into slave labor. Common examples of modern day slave labor include mining, manufacturing, agricultural labor, fishing, child marriage, and prostitution. And, the worst thing about modern day slavery is that most of us contribute to their oppression without even realizing it.

However, On Tuesday, March 14th the movement #MyFreedomDay is an opportunity to turn that around. CNN and Youth Underground are partnering together to form a student-led global fight for freedom. To spread awareness of modern day slavery, they are asking you to get involved on social media.

Here are some easy ways to become a part of the movement:

  1. Study Up.

  2. Reading this article is a great start! Be sure to check out the links provided on this page to get an in-depth understanding of what we’re up against and what we’ve accomplished.

    Here at WAR Int’l, we focus on ending cycles of poverty and informing people about the reality of human trafficking and slave labor. Through our worldwide safehouses, vocational training, education programs, microenterprises, medical aid, orphanages, and emergency intervention, we help prevent trafficking and slave labor even before it happens.

    We encourage you to sign up for our email updates or follow us on social media. To read stories of freedom and redemption, or to see how we have impacted women around the world, visit our webpage.

  3. Speak Up.

  4. Every time you access social media, you have a voice. Now is a time to use your voice to fight for those who have been silenced. On #MyFreedomDay, post a photo or video with the hashtag #MyFreedomDay on any social media and define what freedom means to you.

    At WAR, Int’l, we want to encourage you to continue to speak up for human rights year round. Sharing articles and facts are efficient ways in keeping your friends and families informed, as well. Spreading awareness is the first step in fighting human trafficking and slave labor.

  5. Sign Up.

  6. If you are interested in taking further steps to combat human trafficking in your community, we encourage you to not only speak up, but sign up. Volunteer at local organizations such as WAR, Int’l or visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline to see a map of organizations across the U.S.

    If you’re local, or can travel to West Michigan for a Saturday, click this link to register for our next Civilian First Responder conference that will be held on March 25th at Thornapple Covenant Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here we will discuss the lures used by traffickers, how to respond to crisis situations in a healthy way, what makes a community susceptible to trafficking and more.

  7. Stock Up.

  8. Another great way in fighting slavery is by putting your money where your mouth is. Out of the 30 million slaves, nearly half of them are exploited by economic activity. Most of our favorite products such as chocolate, coffee, electronics, clothing, and diamonds are produced mainly by slave labor.

    By being conscious buyers, not only do we reduce our slavery footprint and support people who are at risk of being trafficked, but we also stop the demand for slave labor altogether. Always look for Fairtrade labels and shop at our store where we believe in “Beyond Fair Trade” to not only ensure that our products are ethically made, but also provide a positive human connection from producer to consumer.

Your typical, everyday actions affect modern day slavery. Each time you walk into a grocery store, shop for a pair of jeans, or log in to your social media accounts, you have the power to make a difference. This Tuesday, make the choice to be a part of the #MyFreedomDay movement, and then continue to make daily choices that help give freedom to millions of slaves. By speaking up about human trafficking, signing up at local organizations that fight slave labor, and stocking up on only ethically made products, we can fight slavery together.

Tackling Trafficking at Super Bowl 51

It’s that time of year again, and everyone is gearing up for Super Bowl LI. The Patriots will be battling the Falcons on February 5, and all over the country people will be gathered around their televisions with jerseys on and snacks in hand. The Super Bowl is a great time for family and friends to come together, have some good food, and cheer for their favorite team. However, while we are all excited for the big game and the even bigger commercials, there is a side to the celebration that is not as well known.

In recent years, claims have been made that the Super Bowl draws a higher number of human trafficking cases than any other major event. There has been some controversy over whether or not this is true, and a recent study has been cited which disputes those claims, finding higher instances at several other events. Regardless, it is clear that human trafficking does increase around major events, and that includes the Super Bowl.

Houston, this year’s host city, is aware of the issue facing them as people flock to Texas for the biggest sporting event of the year. They are on the lookout for signs of trafficking in the city. One officer reportedly had this to say: “For the johns coming into this city, we’re putting you on notice today. We’re going to have undercover officers, so you think you might be looking for a little boy or little girl, or a young woman. And what you might find is a police officer ready to arrest you” ( It is heartening to hear that this issue will be among the top priorities for Houston police as it comes to a head.

Yet city officials recognize that human trafficking in Houston is not just a Super Bowl problem but a 365-day-a-year problem. Texas is estimated to have more than 300,000 labor and sex trafficking victims, with nearly 79,000 being children under the age of eighteen. Within the state, Houston is considered to be a trafficking hub. One recent case involves a 21-year-old woman who was brought to the city against her will from her home in Ohio. Last month, she was abandoned alone in the city when her captor discovered that she suffered from seizures. Her case is just one of many under investigation by Houston police.

While law enforcement is on increased alert during the Super Bowl, Houston has been stepping up its efforts to combat trafficking in the city year-round, creating its own strategic plan to combat human trafficking. The city has several goals, including institutionalizing the city’s response to human trafficking. They plan to do this by closely examining Houston’s city ordinances for massage parlors and similar establishments as well as implementing new ordinances to prevent additional “adult” businesses from popping up. The Houston Health Department will receive new training in human trafficking prevention, which they will in turn use to educate local workers in places such as hospitals and restaurants. The city will also launch an awareness and prevention training program for hotels and offer incentives to participating businesses. Efforts to raise local public awareness include a new media campaign incorporating celebrity PSAs (public service announcements) in cooperation with TV and radio partners.

Like the city of Houston, we need to recognize that human trafficking is a problem that needs to be addressed year-round. Our concern should not be whether the rates of human trafficking increase most around the Super Bowl, but that it is happening at all. The increased awareness that such events bring to the problem of human trafficking can also serve a reminder to educate ourselves and others about this issue. If you would like to learn more about how to fight trafficking and help survivors through Women At Risk, international, please visit our Take Action page.