From one mother to another this means WAR

Author: Liz, a survivor

Liz is a survivor of human sex trafficking. She was groomed and trafficked by a fake boyfriend in her teens. Thankfully, she escaped and is now married to a wonderful man, and they have 2 young boys.

It’s more than just a necklace…

Far more than the twirls and pearls that cascade down your neck.

The meaning is much deeper than the colors that hover for it was made from the love of a mother.

The wire that twists round your wrist was once designed by someone who only knew a fist. Now free with the help of “Women At Risk.”

Much heavier than the chain that they braid the memories of the pain, of their mental chains that were broken the day they were offered a way out of the insane.

To be invisible as small as a bead, she now threads those beads and has rescued her family and now they are all seen!

The writing of the stories that are gut-wrenching to hear, but with each written page it offers them generational change.

It’s more than just a necklace, it’s more than just a chain, it holds a soul and a lifetime of pain, it holds a story, it holds a hand of a child who was once forgotten and not able to stand.

Substance to the product made from sweat and tears, your purchase starts to heal the hurt they’ve felt for years.

It’s more than just “some jewelry” bought for feel-good gain, the once lost and abandoned heart will smile now once again.

Call to action ~ shop to rescue and empower at the WAR Chest Boutique here.

2023 – By The Numbers

By Becky McDonald, Founder & President
-January 2024


Dear WARriors:

WHAT A YEAR THIS HAS BEEN! It’s been a wild ride in many ways, yet I see God’s hand in every detail. We have a God who loves to concern himself with both big and small things.

• It took a year to recover from what we call “Noah’s Flood” at our HQ, but our building is finally put back together. Given a choice, I would never put a bathroom on the 2nd floor!

• As the fighting in Ukraine continues, we quietly continue to rescue women and children into Moldova and provide thousands of loaves of bread to the Ukrainian front lines.

• In India, orphans who are blind started learning lifelong skills and making state-of-the-art baked goods. We’d never have dreamed that possible, but our partner’s wife sure did!

• We’ve spent months in Africa setting up the Dayspring Ministry Center, and the women’s ministry potential is mind-boggling! I cherish the 10 women already working there and the leadership team who dare to dream with me.

• In Zambia, we’ve seen almost two dozen foundations poured and most of the building completed. The clinic is slowly coming together as God brings in the funds. I can’t wait to take medical teams to address the many unmet needs, many of them so easy to deal with yet so vital to wellness.

• In answer to prayer, a fire at the Dayspring Ministry Center stopped short of the main property. It reminds us that we are totally dependent on the protection of God himself.

• We led anti-trafficking trainings in medical, military, university, industry, and faith-based settings.

• We witnessed rescues resulting from anti-trafficking trainings, survivors telling their stories, 911 Rescue calls, and WAR programs. It pours steel in our backbone to witness lives set free!

• We’ve created new products, trained more women to live with dignity, seen their beautiful products delight the buyer, and had corporations ask how they can help.

• We’ve seen America slowly awaken to the reality of human trafficking as a worldwide problem. It’s our goal to teach them how to respond to the largest danger facing our children today.

• We are witnessing a moving among men to rise up and be protectors.

• We willingly serve as we are increasingly invited to share and encourage audiences to join our work.

• WAR, Int’l has felt a deep joy in the hard work of rescue and aftercare. Our staff continue to faithfully invade the darkness and diligently work behind the scenes to set captives free.

• YOU have had our backs, been our own circle of protection, and made all we do a reality! We couldn’t have done our job without YOU!

In partnership with you,
Rebecca McDonald
Founder & President

Invest In Women

March 8th | International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a global celebration of women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. It is a day to recognize the progress we have made and also to acknowledge the work that still needs to be done to create a more equal and just world for all women. This day is not just about celebrating women, but also about coming together to support and empower one another.

As we continue to face challenges and obstacles, it is important to stand in solidarity and work towards a future where women are valued and respected in all aspects of life. Let us use this day to reflect on the progress we have made, and to inspire one another to continue making positive changes for women. The theme for 2024 is Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.

Work of Women At Risk, International

At Women At Risk, International (WAR, Int’l), we are dedicated to supporting and empowering women on a daily basis. Through our collaborative efforts with safehouses both internationally and domestically, we strive to rescue, restore, and empower women who are wounded or at risk by providing them with a secure environment to heal and grow. Our approach is to offer culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects as well as counseling, education, skills training, and more, to ensure their holistic well-being.

Furthermore, we have created and nurtured relationships with our global and local partners who offer vocational training centers and microenterprises to create opportunities for rescued and at-risk women to earn a living with dignity. By empowering them to support themselves safely and independently, we aim to prevent exploitation and promote self-sufficiency.

Encompassed Creations | Our U.S. Training Center

Precious wounded women and children have walked through the doors of our international headquarters—weary and in need of a safe haven. Our U.S. Training Center (USTC) provides them with a fresh beginning in a holistic program offering counseling, skills training, scholarships, employment, and much more. As women learn to design and create beautiful products within a nurturing community, they are also learning to redesign their lives and dream again. Working with dignity empowers them to provide for their children, learn skills, build a resume, and change their futures.

When you purchase jewelry, candles, spa products, and other items handcrafted by our artisans, you invest in our own communities, helping us rescue, restore, and empower in “the land of the free.”

Invest in the Lives of Women

As you consider how you can invest in the lives of women around the world, here are three ways to make a difference:

1. Link arms with your friends to co-host a WAR Chest Pop-Up Boutique!

Learn more here or simply email us today.

2. Volunteer at our headquarters or at events!

Sign up here or simply email us today.

3. Donate to our 911 Rescue Fund to help facilitate rescues here!

Read stories of rescue here.

We wish all women around the world a very happy International Women’s Day!

He Loves Her More

Author: Erin, a survivor

Erin is a survivor of human sex trafficking. She was groomed and trafficked by a fake boyfriend in her teens. Thankfully, she escaped and is now married to a wonderful man.

This poem is a tribute to her husband, and how he loves her.

To the girl who’s triggered to sleep in a bed, too tired and weary to hold up her head.

Her angel casts down from the couch to the floor, the fear drifts away and he comforts her more.

Sleep should be peaceful, quiet and calm but to her it is nightmares and an evil realm.

But the floor brings the rock, the grounding, makes her in control of her surroundings.

Horrible things were done on those beds. The memories sink deep into the threads.

The mattress springs. The sheets suffocating texture.

She lays on the carpet instead and he just lets her.

She was forced to stay in the bed with a revolving line of men,
so now when it’s her choice she will never sleep again.

More than the comfort of the mattress he’s known his whole life, he chose to lay on the floor in the darkness with his wife, because he loves her more.

He could have chosen the fanciest bed, but he chose the floor instead.

After 10 years he still doesn’t complain of his backaches and pain.

From the bed to the floor for he loves her more.

Real Rescues

Working to raise donations for Women At Risk, International’s 911 Rescue Fund, we want to share the impact your contributions make in the lives of others, in their time of need. Here are stories of Real Rescues.

The Genesis of WAR, Int’l’s 911 Rescue Fund: Ellie

Mai cut the cooked egg into four sections, dividing it equally between her four hungry children. With another one on the way, there would soon be five hungry mouths to feed.

Two weeks after her new little one was born, Mai sold Ellie, her beautiful baby girl, to local traffickers. When our partnering safehouse heard about the situation, they tracked Ellie down and loaned Mai money to buy her back, despite threats from the traffickers.

Now adopted into a safe home, Ellie is blossoming under the love and care she receives.

Our 911 Rescue Fund grew out of this partner’s request in the dead of night to rescue this precious baby girl who had been sold to Thai traffickers for $200. Becky McDonald, founder and president of WAR, Int’l, was shocked they had to ask for the funding to rescue. Becky promised the money blindly, saying she would have a garage sale if necessary, and begged them to rescue the baby without delay!

We want WAR, Int’l and its partners to be empowered to immediately intervene in a rescue—not wait for the funding needed to save a life.

This Week’s Rescue Story: Margaret

Too many times, the trafficker is someone the victim knows. For Margaret, this was her story. Margaret’s boyfriend forced her to sleep with other men in order for him to secure drugs.

A moment in time allowed her, along with her teenage daughter (who WAR, Int’l was advised had thankfully not been trafficked), to escape. Like many others, they simply left with the clothes on their backs. It was during this time, when they were hiding in a hotel, that WAR, Int’l received Margaret’s call and was able to provide assistance.

Because of funding in our 911 Rescue Fund, we were able to provide food, clothing, and other basic essentials. To be reunited with family in another city, we also assisted with transportation needs.

It is through the generosity of the WAR Family that WAR, Int’l is able to effect change for the lives of those in need, in their time of need. Together … we rescue. #EffectChange

This Week’s Rescue Story: Angel

The day COVID-19 hit the U.S. in 2020, Rebecca McDonald, founder & president of WAR, Int’l, hid a young woman in her car.

When you help a woman escape exploitation, you see the painfully high cost of freedom. While she leaves abuse behind, in many cases she’s also leaving everything she’s ever known. She may never see family again if they were the root problem. Starting over is exhausting, let alone while navigating trauma and healing as well. Freedom is not free but painfully expensive in a thousand different ways.

For hours, Angel had run barefoot from her traffickers before she got WAR, Int’l’s number from a national hotline. Thankfully, she called us and we were able to assist her. As Angel was running from her trafficker, Becky hid Angel in her car as we arranged safe housing.

Today, Angel is flourishing as a legal secretary; pro bono lawyers have cleared the crimes claimed against her; she has visitation with her kiddos again; and thanks to the WAR family, she was able to get a car. Her lawyers had told her she needed a car so the judge would take her seriously because her only mode of transportation at the time had been a bicycle.

Your WAR, Int’l GT ‘23 gift immediately empowers rescue and intervention.

This Week’s Rescue Story: Ramona

Overcoming unimaginable circumstances, Ramona found the strength to be a witness against her traffickers in court. There is great importance in shedding light on the realities of human trafficking and bringing perpetrators to justice.

Having received a call from a federal agency, WAR, Int’l was asked to take Ramona shopping for clothes she could wear to court. We went into overdrive to “outfit” this courageous survivor to be the key witness against a trafficking ring. We ignored the attention we attracted by shopping under armed guard, and instead, rejoiced as we watched Ramona’s countenance transform from fear to confidence!

She whispered, “Why do you care for me when you don’t even know me?”

We love that question! The 911 Rescue Fund allows us to immediately engage in the moment of danger and empowers us to love in the name of Christ. We applauded Ramona’s resilience and were honored to be a part of her story.

GT ‘23 is fast approaching, benefitting the 911 Rescue Fund that allows us to respond, inform, and reach into lives with action. A matching gift doubles its impact.

Please consider donating today as the need for our 911 Rescue Fund is very real.

This Week’s Rescue Story: Moses

At four months old, Moses was an adorable baby—but his family offered to sell him to anyone who wanted him. In this situation, he came to the notice of a group of our partners who took turns watching him. Fortunately for Moses, we found him before a trafficker did. While the law tied our hands, we were able to use money from the 911 Rescue Fund to pay for his immediate needs.

Consider donating today to start making an impact as your gift immediately empowers rescue and intervention.

Want to start effecting change today?

Give online here.

Send a check to: Women At Risk, International, 2790 44th St. SW, Wyoming, MI 49519.

If you write a check, please be sure to note on the memo line that it is for our Giving Tuesday campaign so your contribution can be counted toward our goal!

Want other ways to effect change?

1. Share our posts on social media: Facebook & Instagram.
2. Talk about Giving Tuesday with friends and family.
3. Ask your company if they have a corporate donation policy.