In 2018, there were 383 reports of human trafficking to the Human Trafficking Hotline from the state of Michigan. This number only represents reported cases; therefore, the actual number of trafficking victims is likely to be much larger. As Grand Rapids is thriving and growing, hundreds of people walk the streets, creating the need for our community to become educated on the topic of human trafficking. One way we do this is by hosting an annual event that not only provides education but also involves the community in our anti-trafficking efforts.

Held on September 7, this event is co-hosted by The S.O.A.P. Project (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution).  The S.O.A.P Project was founded by anti-trafficking advocate and survivor, Theresa Flores. Flores, who grew up in the suburbs of Detroit in the 1980s, was trafficked out of her own home at the age of 15 without her parents’ knowledge. Her traffickers were a classmate and his cousins. Driven by the pain of this injustice, Flores started the S.O.A.P. Project to reach out to women and girls who desperately need to escape the sex industry but lack the resources to do so.

S.O.A.P. is a project that includes wrapping bars of soap in labels that have the national human trafficking hotline (1-888-3737-888) printed on them. Hotels are hotspots for trafficking. Victims and customers are easily hidden among those who come and go from their many rooms. The labeled bars are distributed to local hotels to be placed in bathrooms, creating the opportunity for victims to seek necessary help. Along with these bars, posters of missing children are handed out to hotel staff members, encouraging them to report any suspicious activity that could occur at their place of employment.

We invite you to join us on Saturday, September 7, as we drive around to Grand Rapids (MI) area hotels and offer them these complimentary labeled soaps. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from WAR, Int’l founder and president, Becky McDonald, and from Theresa Flores herself. The cost is just $15, which covers your lunch (catered by our own Tea Trade Cafe).

This year, let’s create circles of protection and become modern-day abolitionists for women at risk in the greater Grand Rapids area. We have an opportunity to be advocates and catalysts for change. Mark your calendars and invite your friends to join us! Registration for this event is required prior to Wednesday, September 4.

Date: 9/7/2019
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: WAR, Int’l Headquarters, 2790 44th St SW, Wyoming, MI
Tickets: $15 (includes lunch catered by the Tea Trade Cafe)

Register Here!

Eyes Opened and Hearts Changed

By Bethany Winkel, WAR, Int’l Staff Writer

Here at Women At Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) headquarters, we hear many real-life stories from our partners—stories that break our hearts for those who suffer violence and injustice, while also inspiring us with testimonies of hope and changed lives.

Among the most poignant stories are those from “Rebecca,” who visits our headquarters each time she is in the U.S. and shares with us about the work she is doing. Rebecca works with at-risk and trafficked young women in two small Eastern European countries—one a hotbed for sex trafficking rings and the other a primary source of victims for such rings. The stories she shares about the horrendous situations there and the experiences of the girls she works with are both shocking and distressing, yet it is heartening to see that the work she does is making a difference for many.

Last year, we published an article about a brand new summer camp Rebecca had coordinated and hosted for at-risk teen girls in one of the countries where she works. Many of the 150 girls attending had experienced abuse, abandonment, and dire poverty, leaving them especially vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Thanks to the efforts of Rebecca and her dedicated team of volunteers, these teens were treated to an enjoyable week of fun, enrichment, and community.

But Rebecca’s vision for camp went beyond simply providing the girls with a fun experience. Along with tackling relevant topics such as suicide prevention and conflict resolution, Rebecca and her volunteer staff educated campers about the lures and tactics of traffickers, equipping them with the tools and knowledge needed to avoid becoming victims. They also introduced them to the saving grace of the gospel. Rebecca reported back to us that the camp was a huge success, with many eyes opened and many hearts changed. She is confident that for some of the girls, the week they spent at camp has made a crucial difference between a future of slavery or one of freedom and safety.

WAR, Int’l has the honor and privilege of partnering again with Rebecca for this year’s camp. She is very excited about some new things she’s going to implement this second time around. Fueled by a passion to mentor and raise up a strong generation of local youth, she is selecting some of the girls from last year’s camp to be junior leaders, with high hopes that some will become full leaders at future camps. She is also excited to have hired an experienced camp director to join her committed team of translators and other volunteer staff.

Rebecca and her team are also thrilled to hold this summer’s venture at a better facility where the campers can enjoy real bathrooms, ample food, and fun things such as a swimming pool and a rock-climbing wall. (Bathrooms and an abundance of food are things we in the United States take for granted, but for many of these girls, they are unheard-of luxuries.)

In an upcoming article, we’ll share with you how WAR, Int’l’s board and staff teamed up in an exercise challenge to sponsor a number of girls to attend camp this year. As you look forward to reading that story, we encourage you in the meantime to consider how you might help as well.

Please read last year’s article for further details about the camp and some background information on the dire situations in which the campers are living every day. And then please prayerfully consider helping to sponsor a teen to attend this year’s camp. The cost to sponsor one teen to attend this week-long camp is $195, but we will gladly accept donations toward camper sponsorship in any amount. Thank you for joining us in helping Rebecca create a circle of protection and love around these precious young women!

To donate, click here.

Afterword – Fall 2018: Like the first camp, this second camp was a great success. We recently received a letter from Rebecca rejoicing about the lives that were changed during the third camp this past summer. She is now preparing for the fourth annual camp, to be held during the summer of 2019. WAR, Int’l has sponsored campers each year and is collecting donations now for next year’s camp sponsorships. Please consider partnering with us to help more teens experience this life-changing camp!


Artist Feature: Eden Witvoet

June 15th,

2017-06-15 18:30:00
2017-06-15 20:30:00
Acoustic Mic Night: 2DOGS
Come support women, children, and men at risk locally and globally while listening to the unique sound of Eden Witvoet.
Tea Trade Cafe, Wyoming, MI
Women At Risk, International

Tea Trade Cafe
Wyoming, MI

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Acoustic Mic
Nights 2017

Full Line-up


Eden Witvoet is a local performer and musician from the Grand Rapids area. At just fifteen years old, she has developed a unique sound of her own. Having studied piano for eight years, Eden has pursued music vigorously, teaching herself the ukulele and guitar. She not only enjoys singing, but dancing and acting as well. She has been acting in the community for five years, and will be pursuing a career in musical theater after she graduates from Caledonia High School, where she will be a junior in the fall.

Listen Now

June 15th,

2017-06-15 18:30:00
2017-06-15 20:30:00
Acoustic Mic Night: 2DOGS
Come support women, children, and men at risk locally and globally while listening to the acoustic sounds of 2DOGS
Tea Trade Cafe, Wyoming, MI
Women At Risk, International

Tea Trade Cafe
Wyoming, MI

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Acoustic Mic
Nights 2017

Full Line-up


Artist Feature: 2DOGS

June 8th,

2017-06-08 18:30:00
2017-06-08 20:30:00
Acoustic Mic Night: 2DOGS
Come support women, children, and men at risk locally and globally while listening to the acoustic sounds of 2DOGS
Tea Trade Cafe, Wyoming, MI
Women At Risk, International

Tea Trade Cafe
Wyoming, MI

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Acoustic Mic
Nights 2017

Full Line-up


Stef Loy and Nick Spruit met years ago at a temp job at the Grand Rapids Press, working in Walker, MI third shift. After years of knowing each other, they began to write music, and after creating several CDs, they finally put a band together to perform live. In the fall of 2016 Lapdogs officially formed, and their first full-band CD “You Live There” was released last May. The band plays around town at places like Rocky’s Bar and Quinn & Tuite’s Irish Pub, and are currently excited to be playing Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts on Friday June 2 @ 4:45 pm (Kendall Stage).

Stef and Nick continue playing un-plugged together at Potbelly’s in Grandville on a bi-weekly basis, at various open mic nights, cafes, and farmers markets all around West Michigan. There are talks of the two doing a quieter un-plugged CD as 2DOG by the end of the year.

Listen Now

June 8th,

2017-06-08 18:30:00
2017-06-08 20:30:00
Acoustic Mic Night: 2DOGS
Come support women, children, and men at risk locally and globally while listening to the acoustic sounds of 2DOGS
Tea Trade Cafe, Wyoming, MI
Women At Risk, International

Tea Trade Cafe
Wyoming, MI

Get Directions

Acoustic Mic
Nights 2017

Full Line-up


Celebrating Mothers Around the World

By Alyssa Evans, WAR, In’tl Intern

Women At Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) celebrates motherhood year round by caring for women and children in need of love and acceptance. Through our partnering safehouses, vocational programs, and orphanages, we strive to provide nurturing environments for these individuals as they recover from risk and trauma. Becky McDonald, President and Founder of WAR, Int’l, often notes that our partners serve as “Mommies to the Mommyless.” For WAR, Int’l and our partners, mothering and nurturing at-risk people all over the world makes Mother’s Day all the more meaningful. Knowing just how valuable mothers are in each culture across the world, we decided to take a closer look at the diverse ways they are celebrated.

The oldest Mother’s Day traditions date back to the ancient Egyptians, who celebrated the Goddess Isis, Mother of the Pharaohs. In modern day Egypt, they celebrate “Eed omm sa-eed” on March 21, the first day of spring. Yet Mother’s Day around the world is celebrated on different days according to the holiday’s origins in that country.

American mothers will be celebrated this year on May 14. Mother’s Day was first proposed in the United States by Anna Reeves Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe out of a desire to unite mothers who had lost sons in the Civil War. Jarvis’s daughter, Anna M. Jarvis, later lobbied for six years to create a national day of recognition for mothers. Mother’s Day became an official holiday in the United States in 1914.

Canadian Mother’s Day is also held on the second Sunday in May and is said to be the country’s third most popular holiday, right after Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Card sales and phone calls are the highest on Mother’s Day.

Feliz Día de las Madres, celebrated in Mexico on May 10, is the busiest day of the year for restaurants. Mothers are given flowers and serenades from mariachi bands. The most popular song to celebrate the day is “Las Mañanitas”:

I would like to be a little ray of sunlight/ To enter through your window
And greet you with Good Morning/ Lying in your bed
Of the stars in the heavens/ I have to bring down two
One is to greet you/ And the other is to say good-bye.

In the United Kingdom, “Mothering Sunday” is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent and originated in the 1600s in England. Fasting rules were set aside for that day, when mothers were given freshly picked wildflowers and special Simnel cakes baked with fruits and almonds.

In Japan, “Haha no Hi” is now celebrated on the second Sunday of May, just like in the United States, but it originally was held on Empress Koujun’s birthday. Today, Japanese mothers are given flowers, and children draw pictures of their mothers and enter them into contests.

Mother’s Day in South Africa also coincides with the North American celebration on the second Sunday of May. Mothers and Grandmothers are celebrated as life givers, and their sacrifices for their families are recognized by reversing family roles for the day. Children bring their mothers breakfast in bed and do the chores all day. Here they take the tradition of giving flowers a step further: everyone wears flowers in honor of the holiday.

All around the world, mothers have a special day when they are recognized and appreciated. No matter where or on what day you celebrate Mother’s Day, it seems that moms everywhere appreciate baked goods and meals, songs, jewelry, flowers, cards, and homemade gifts. When you shop for your own mother this week, consider visiting the WAR Chest Boutique, online or at one of our three Midwest locations. There you will find jewelry, accessories, chocolate, coffee, and other gifts mothers will love. When you honor your mother with a meaningful gift from our Boutique, you also help provide a woman or child with an opportunity to be “mothered” by our partners and programs.

Information for this article was gathered from a variety of sources, including Mother’s Day.