
Deftly arranging colorful stones and strands into an intricate design, Zenzele smiles, remembering her first day on the job years ago. Back then, her hands had trembled while fumbling with the delicate beads, and she’d blinked back tears as she worked, thinking about her precious baby boy. She’d come so close to losing him—the job had come at just the right time. On the verge of despair, with little hope of finding work, she’d been hired by the friendly couple in the marketplace to work in their growing jewelry business. Over the years, as she has watched her son grow healthy and strong, she’s worked hard to help the business grow as well. As Ray of Light has continued to provide steady employment to the marginalized men and women of the community, Zenzele has thrived in her work. The vibrant patterns within her creations reflect the joy and hope that have been woven through her family’s story. Thanks to Ray of Light, this once despairing mother now walks in hope, knowing each piece of jewelry she creates is helping to ensure a promising future for herself, her son, and others in their community.