Xiao Fang

Xiao Fang came to the city full of hope. With her new job, she could finally support her family back in the village. She stepped off the bus, eager to begin her work at a large supermarket. But her excitement turned to horror when, hours later, she woke from a drug-induced sleep, trapped within the walls of a brothel. The job offer had been a ruse. She could do nothing but wait, trembling, as her captors auctioned off her virginity to the highest bidder. Just when Xiao Fang had given up hope, the brothel was raided by the police. Thinking she was finally rescued, she instead found herself treated as a criminal and thrown into prison. Xiao Fang’s true rescue came when our partners visited the prison. They brought her to live at their shelter, finally giving her safety and a family she could trust. Now Xiao Fang is slowly finding healing, working with dignity, and supporting her family back home.
Name changed to protect privacy