(US Training Center)

Twenty years of addiction had taken a toll on Etta’s body and soul. She hadn’t asked for this life—it had been imposed on her as a teen by the relative who had first stolen her innocence, then hooked her on heroin to keep her compliant. For years, she’d fed her dependency to escape her pain. Trading her body for money, she’d endured violence, abuse, and the loss of her children. She had nothing left. At rock bottom, crying in an alley after being held at gunpoint, Etta asked God for deliverance—and was healed from heroin addiction that very day. She completed a treatment program, but her past made it difficult to find a job. Through WAR, Int’l’s Encompassed Creations program, she was able to learn new skills, build a resume, and begin turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Etta now supervises youth doing community service work and tells them her story. Recently, she acquired her dream job as a peer counselor at a local rehabilitative home, where she works to empower other women on their own journeys of recovery.