Thai Creations

Kay’s husband is not from her part of the world, but as her heart broke for the women of her country, so did his own. Together they began a ministry to offer hope and healing to Thai women trapped in the sex trade. As they reach out week after week to women in the red-light districts, they slowly build relationships. As they gain a woman's trust, they offer her an opportunity to make a living in a safe place, free of abuse and exploitation. There she can receive shelter, counseling, and child care as she learns valuable, marketable skills. Our partners are dedicated to walking alongside each woman, providing loving guidance as she progresses through the program and journeys toward healing. As they learn to sew and create jewelry, women are working toward financial and emotional independence. They become empowered to begin their own businesses, continue their education, and return to their villages to cultivate change. Today many of these women are independent, confident business owners. They work with dignity, provide for their families, and serve as ambassadors of hope to their own communities.
To protect our partners, we use a pseudonym for the name of this program.