Let Them Know

Estimates reveal that there are 134-210 million orphans in the world. The need to care for these children is dire. In response, WAR, Int’l is partnering with Laura, a homeless woman right here in the same city WAR, Int’l is headquartered, to let these little ones know we care. Laura creates beautiful handmade pillowcases that not only bless these orphans but also help her get back on her feet. The Let Them Know project operates in conjunction with WAR, Int’l’s Tuck An Orphan Into Bed program, working with over 15 orphanages. This program supplies beds, blankets, pillows and other furnishings that help turn orphanages into homes. These pillowcases provide a pretty, new place for orphans to lay their heads each night. Help us reach across the distance and tuck these children into bed. With your gift you wrap arms of love around these children and remind them of their worth. You lift them from the dangers of the dark to beds of safety where they can dream about tomorrow and see their dreams come true.