Higher Ground

Another girl disappeared from the village. Reena watched foreigners promise schooling or stable jobs abroad and impoverished families send or even sell their daughters out of desperation. She knew traffickers targeted the poorest and most vulnerable—and that protection would only come with providing income for these women. With a dream to employ at-risk women in her village, Reena began a small bakery. Now Reena runs four sustainable micro-enterprises that fund her program’s safehouse, counseling services, vocational training, micro-loans, and classes in literacy and health awareness. What was once a small micro-business has blossomed into a thriving multifaceted organization that lifts hundreds of lives to dignity, breathes hope into an entire community, and attacks trafficking at its root cause. When you purchase these beautiful products, you invest in this exciting, redemptive work and empower visionaries like Reena to keep dreaming.