Fountains of Grace

In Thailand, the roots of trafficking run deep, fed by a thriving sex tourism industry. Women from impoverished villages are forced by family to “work” in the city to support parents and husbands back home. Many Thai girls are victims of sexual abuse or are driven to prostitution out of utter poverty. Foundations of Grace is committed to walking the journey of healing alongside these exploited women and children, offering shelter as well as counseling, child care, employment, vocational training, and help with education. This passion for holistic healing stretches beyond the women themselves, extending to their families and communities as they take messages of hope back to their villages. There, by encouraging microenterprise businesses and community development, they work to break generational cycles of poverty and exploitation. When you support safehouse programs and purchase their creations, you not only help women find healing but also help bring hope and change to entire communities.
To protect our partners, we use a pseudonym for the name of this program.