I Have a Dream: Dinner with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

By Becky McDonald, Founder & President
-January 2023

The WAR Chest Boutique carries a fun deck of cards with a variety of questions to help learn the real heart of a person. One of my favorite questions is, “If you could have dinner with ANYONE, either from history or alive today, who would it be and why?” When asked, I usually give a stock answer, but today I would change my answer to “dinner with a man named Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Years ago, I started hosting dinners at my home with men and women on specific issues, deliberately inviting those with opposing ideas, perspectives, expertise, or experience. But there was always one rule. NO ONE could be rude, sarcastic, or angry. Our conversation was a feast of curiosity, deep thought, and differing approaches to the same issue, but it had to be kind. Imagine such a dinner.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. captures our thoughts and hearts, both then and now. What fascinates me is that first and foremost, he was a shepherd of his flock, a pastor. No one goes into that career unless they desire to sacrificially serve, motivate, lift, and love people. This man was obviously brilliant, graduating from high school at age 15.

Yet, he certainly didn’t follow the ditty, “So heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good,” or so brilliant that they can’t relate to real life. He was anointed with grace and gentleness, and a stunning ability to communicate equally to all, whether they were a 10-year-old or the power elite.

Our deck of WAR Conversation Cards, available here asks questions like, “If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you try?” But, if I had the honor of serving Dr. King dinner, I’d use his famous quotes as a platform for questions. If I invited you to sit at that table, I’d love to hear your questions as well. Remember the #1 rule and send me your questions!

I’ve italicized some of his famous quotes below and included my own thoughts on these rare bits of wisdom.

* Forgiveness is not an occasional act. It is a permanent attitude… Never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.
-Wow, what if that was the subject line for dinner? How would you incorporate that value into your life? I’d certainly want to know what story led him to that truth.

* I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear… Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend… Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?”
-Oh, that we had this kind of leadership today!!!
-Sounds a lot like scripture’s double love command to love your neighbor as yourself.

* Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase… If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward… Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle…
-As a founder, I can promise you nothing WAR, Int’l has accomplished would have happened if I’d needed (though I wanted) to see the whole staircase.
-What dreams are you holding back from because you want all the lights to turn green before you go down the road? Start running. If the light does turn red, screech to a halt before taking off again. Because if you shoot for nothing, you’ll hit it every time.

Another two of his quotes reflect why WAR, Int’l exists today. He said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Many of you know the story that, at the age of 14, began my passion to be a voice for the silenced. I do not fear the darkness we march into. I’ve witnessed for decades that when you bring darkness into the light, it loses its power.

Dr. King also said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” Indeed! With the Light of the World, my passion is to shed light on a dark subject (such as human trafficking) so that you leave with hope, joy, and a compelling desire to be a circle of protection to those in your own circles of influence!

Before his brutal death, Dr. King closed his legendary speech with, “…We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop… I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land…”

Today. I honor this shepherd, this man of courage and ultimate sacrifice who walked with all of us in the valley of shadows to reach his mountaintop. We can do this. We too can dream.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

January 11, 2023

(Note: This article includes Stories of Healing.)

There are many reports and statistics available regarding the number of human trafficking victims.

→ In 2021, 10,359 human trafficking situations involving 16,554 individual victims were reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline. (source)
→ 49.6 million people were living in modern slavery in 2021, of which 27.6 million were in forced labor and 22 million in forced marriage. (source)
→ In 2021, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received more than 17,200 reports of possible child sex trafficking. (source)

Whereas statistical information and reporting are helpful with understanding the issues as solutions are sought, focusing merely on the numbers can make the victims nameless, simply a number, as it were.

Each and every victim of human trafficking has a name, a voice that has been silenced, as well as a life worth saving, and a story worth telling. This fact makes highlighting stories of rescue and healing vital.

In honor of #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay2023, here are three such stories.

Erin: healing moment

At a recent Human Trafficking Awareness Conference, the Q&A panel included social workers, law enforcement officers, lawyers, and Erin, a survivor of human trafficking.

When asked how the police had treated her, Erin froze, not wanting to tip the apple cart. Seeing Erin’s hesitation, Becky McDonald, founder & president of WAR, Int’l, encouraged her to speak up and share her experience.

Erin shared how the police were not helpful regarding her situation, telling her there wasn’t anything they could do for her. One officer even asked for her number.

Upon hearing the apologies from the male law enforcement officers on the panel, Erin had an unexpected response. Those apologies, she realized, healed a place in her heart she didn’t know needed healing.

Trauma-informed interviewing is key when assisting survivors. During our February 2022 Light Up Your World Zoom, we learned about this interviewing technique from Amy Allen, a federal law enforcement officer. Click here to view it.

Reena: finding solutions

How many girls had now disappeared from Reena’s village? She had watched as foreigners came, promising education or stable jobs to girls of impoverished families. Out of desperation, they had been sent or sold to provide for the rest of the family. But Reena knew these promises were empty.

Reena knew traffickers targeted poor and vulnerable families.

Yet she had a plan. Reena began a small bakery where she could employ at-risk women in her village, giving them the fair payment they needed to provide for their families.

To Reena’s delight, the bakery thrived! Now she’s running four sustainable micro-enterprises to sponsor a safehouse, counseling services, vocational training, micro-loans, and different classes!

Reena’s work is helping attack trafficking at its root cause and freeing hundreds of lives from its threat. Support WAR’s micro-enterprise program to be a ‘Reena’ to others at risk.

Rhoda: story of resilience

Ever since she was a little girl, Rhoda wanted to sing. After much local success, Rhoda thought she caught her big break when a talent agent promised a vocal tour in Japan. Though her first visit proved successful, on her second trip, traffickers took her papers and forced her to serve drinks at a bar. One night a co-worker lured Rhoda to a “dance club” filled with the Japanese mafia. After drugging and abducting her, mafia members repeatedly brutalized and raped Rhoda for three days.

She eventually escaped, but the Japanese police blamed her, and a counselor even advised suicide as the only way to preserve her dignity. Even after returning home to America, help was nowhere to be found.

Finally, Rhoda discovered a community of healing and support at WAR, Int’l. Now she no longer numbs her pain with substance abuse and self-mutilation. Instead, she has transformed her suffering into a story of survival and hope. Rhoda uses her passionate voice to share this story, singing at benefit concerts, speaking out against human trafficking, and whispering words of hope and encouragement to vulnerable teens and wounded women.

Our sweet Rhoda is featured every Monday on our Facebook (WAR, Int’l and WAR Chest Boutique) and Instagram pages (WAR Int’l and WAR Chest Boutique). Make sure to catch her fabulous Monday Minute videos to be encouraged and inspired. Oh, and #ShopToRescue her weekly-updated collection here!

Resources For You:

-Join us on the 4th Monday of the month for our Light Up Your World Zooms to hear directly from survivors as well as experts in the field. Learn more here.

-Shop our Remembrance line which include the names and ages of human trafficking victims. #ShopToRemember here.

-Get inspired and read Stories Of Rescue here.

-Read Understand The Risks.

Call To Action: Time, Talent, Treasure

Host a Party or Event!
Volunteer at Events or WAR HQ

Share your Creative Skills
Become a Circle of Protection

Give Through Your Purchases
Give your sweat, space, or fundraising solutions

A Song for the Silenced

Short Video in honor of this day.

January 2023 – Updates, News, Events, ICYMI

January 2023

Happy New Year, WARriors!

Let’s ring in the new year with purpose! Remember, you are the ones who make it possible to provide vulnerable women, children, and men as well, with places of safety, dignity, and hope. Your involvement supports the work of our programs and partners, worlds away and here in the USA. As you read through this email, be thinking about how you may want to take action to get more involved in the coming year!

Scroll down for an update on the latest and greatest with WAR, Int’l!

Presidential Travel Update

Over the next few weeks, Becky, founder and president of WAR, Int’l, and a WAR board member will be traveling to meet with partners in Asia and Africa. In addition to business meetings with our ministry partners, they will also be encouraging our partners, many of whom serve on the frontlines of the red light districts. Becky’s schedule will be long and arduous as she scouts for new product possibilities and hopefully has the chance to visit Sweetie. Please pray for strength and open doors.

Join us on March’s Light Up Your World Zoom for her trip update!

Human Trafficking Awareness

For the last few years, January has been named National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. January is also known as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Here at WAR, Int’l, we observe National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month every month. You see, trafficking doesn’t sleep. Oppression reigns around the world… Continue Reading Here.

Have a Gift Card?

Did you receive a WAR gift card for Christmas? Simply call our WAR Chest Boutique at 616-530-1234 to redeem yours today. #ShopToEmpower

If you didn’t receive a gift card but still want to #ShopToRescue, no worries, we can help you! Simply shop our online boutique here!

Don’t forget to join us for a special survivor testimonial on this month’s Light Up Your World Zoom call! On Monday, January 23 special guest AJ will once again be joining us to share more about her personal journey of becoming a birth mother and finding healing from trauma and addiction. As she shares, your heart will be deeply touched, and you’ll find AJ is more than a survivor—she is also a THRIVER who has made it her life’s work to empower other survivors as they traverse the path to healing. Visit our upcoming events page for further details.

Set Free

Did you know we launched our Set Free Web Series in 2020? As the world was shutting down because of COVID-19, it was one answer to the dilemma of “How do we get the word out so others can learn about those in need as they #ShopToEmpower?” As we enter our 4th year of producing this series, a big thank you to those who watch our videos as well as purchase the products we highlight. Shop the current Set Free special here!

You can find the entire series, and more, here!

Fresh Finds

Every Friday we curate a collection of specialty gifts from the WAR Chest Boutique. It is a treasure chest, if you will, of unique and beautiful handcrafted items—like jewelry, scarves, accessories, and more — to provide you with moments of opportunity.

-The opportunity to add fresh style to your home and attire.
-The opportunity to equip and empower survivors.
-The opportunity to give a hand up for those at risk to live in freedom.

Browse this week’s collection here!

Free Shipping on $75+

News flash! Did you know we offer free shipping on all orders of $75 or more? You can #ShopToRescue anytime at warchestboutique.com and save on shipping while shopping from the comfort of your own home. It’s never too cold to shop from your own cozy nook, laptop in hand, as you browse through the beautiful items featured in our online boutique!

January 2023: Human Trafficking Awareness Month

For the last few years, January has been named National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. January is also known as Human Trafficking Awareness Month.

Here at WAR, Int’l, we observe National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month every month. You see, trafficking doesn’t sleep. Oppression reigns around the world, where the innocence of another is stolen every 30 seconds. For many years, we’ve been asking ourselves this question: How many is too many? We believe that answer is one.

More than ever, we deeply desire our communities to rise up against injustice. We’re asking you to come out of your comfort zone to bring hope to the hopeless; to be a voice to the voiceless.

We want to give you a few suggestions on how to join the movement this January:

  1. Give up your weekly Starbucks. #IKR?! Many of us absolutely love our coffee. But, have you ever considered giving what you would have spent on coffee to an organization fighting human trafficking? The reality is that children as young as five years old are harvesting coffee beans on plantations all around the world for little to no pay. This is what we call labor trafficking. We invite you to give up coffee for the rest of January and donate your savings to Women At Risk, Int’l. If you’re interested in this opportunity, please click here.
  2. Pledge to tell five of your friends about the dangers of human trafficking. In any of its forms, trafficking easily engrains itself into our communities. Share this issue with those closest to you to raise awareness!
  3. Pray. We know that sounds so simple, but prayer is the only way we will end human trafficking. Think about it: We can fundraise and we can build safehouses, but if there’s no heart-change, we’ve done very little to break the cycle.

If you are interested in sounding a battle cry with us this month to rescue those trapped in the bondage of slavery, we invite you to visit our Get Involved page here. We have practical tools to help you take your first (or next) steps in ending human trafficking.

Please join us in this fight, and know that while one month may bring light to this tragedy, at-risk women and men all over the world suffer, sometimes for years, before rescue. What can you give up this month to bless a person in need? Through your time, talent and treasure, we can fight exploitation together.

While it breaks our hearts that we even need a month here in the United States to recognize that trafficking exists, we understand the importance of raising awareness, and we applaud our government for declaring this month one for reflection and justice.

Join us today and spread the word this month!

Real Stories of Rescue

“Most stories are never told due to their danger and confidentiality…but because of you, they’re real rescues.” Becky McDonald

November 2022


Mai cut the cooked egg into four sections, dividing it equally between her four hungry children. With another one on the way, there would soon be five hungry mouths to feed.

Two weeks after her new little one was born, Mai sold Ellie, her beautiful baby girl, to local traffickers. When our partnering safehouse heard about the situation, they tracked Ellie down and loaned Mai money to buy her back, despite threats from the traffickers.

Now adopted into a safe home, Ellie is blossoming under the love and care she needs.

Our 911 Rescue fund grew out of this partner’s request in the dead of night to rescue this precious baby girl who had been sold to Thai traffickers for $200. Becky, founder and president of WAR, Int’l, was shocked they had to ask for the funding to rescue. Becky promised the money blindly, saying she would have a garage sale if necessary, and begged them to rescue the baby without delay!


At four months old, Moses was an adorable baby—but his family offered to sell him to anyone who wanted him. In this situation, he came to the notice of a group of our partners, who took turns watching him. Fortunately for Moses, we found him before a trafficker did. While the law tied our hands, we were able to use money from the 911 Rescue Fund to pay for his immediate needs.


Just recently, we helped facilitate the rescue of a woman running from the mob after she was discovered hiding in a church. She was so frightened she attempted to jump out of a moving car when someone tried taking her to a hospital. Two WAR volunteers who are fluent in her language were able to calm her down, and our friends at Homeland Security helped us get her into a safehouse. While addressing her medical needs, we discovered she’s almost blind in one eye and needs glasses. Having funds readily available to cover these costs is crucial.

When you help a woman escape exploitation, you witness the painfully high cost of freedom. While she leaves abuse behind, in many cases she’s leaving everything she’s ever known. She may never see family again, especially if they were part of the problem. Starting over is exhausting, let alone simultaneously navigating trauma and healing.

Freedom is not free but painfully expensive in a thousand different ways.


Meadow’s father was her trafficker. Rather than cherish and protect his daughter, he sold her innocence to local politicians. Though Meadow is now safe with her mother in hiding, she bravely attempts to overcome the past betrayal and trauma. For Meadow, making sugar scrubs has been a source of peace, a small part of repairing the brokenness of the past. However, Meadow’s future also benefits from this therapeutic process. As Women At Risk, International proudly stands beside this brave young girl, we ask you to stand with us to support those at risk in our own communities.

Ready to start making an impact today?


