
Tui’s husband is paralyzed. She is alone in supporting her five children and extended family—a very common scenario in Thailand. But Tui is hardworking and resilient. She began dying Thai silk and hand-making beautiful scarves. By selling the scarves, Tui soon earned enough to provide for her family. But when a European company failed to pay for a huge shipment, Tui’s business collapsed. When WAR, Int’l met Tui, she was anxious, in debt, and desperate. Then WAR, Int’l began carrying Tui’s product, and she slowly began to rebuild her life and business. Tui’s daughter went back to school and earned her mBA. Now she is helping her mother and looks forward to her future. WAR, Int’l is committed to Tui and each individual woman in the Thai scarves program. We walk alongside them as they grow their businesses, learn bookkeeping and other skills. We offer them counsel as well as a market for their work. Not only are we committed to bringing you beautiful, quality products, but we are committed to helping at-risk women work with dignity.