
Sunita has a gift. Her beautiful, handmade jewelry has always stood out from the rest. It’s no wonder that Sunita’s former boss exploited her skills. Afraid to speak out, Sunita endured the verbal abuse, deferred payments, and poor working conditions for years. Then she heard about a cooperative that stands for the preservation of fair wages and healthy working conditions. Sunita saw her opportunity, but she was afraid. In a great act of courage, Sunita left her job and joined with our partners to start her own cooperative. At first, her community looked down on her, a woman trying to run her own business. But soon, Sunita established herself as a successful businesswoman. Now, the people of her village flock to her for business advice, information about the program, and job requests. She employs other men and women in her village, empowering them to support themselves with dignity. Sunita is spreading opportunity and bringing hope to her community.