Woven Works

Years ago, the practice of caste discrimination was made illegal in India. But the age old system is not so easily cut from the culture’s fabric. Many of India’s poor are still considered “untouchable.” Their place in society is confined to the most grueling jobs—collecting garbage, cleaning homes, and laborious farm work. Without education, many are tricked into lives of slavery or forced to sell themselves in the red light districts. Offering dignity and hope are tiny coffee shops and a five story factory, tucked within India’s busiest cities. Woven Works employs and empowers the outcasts. Safe working conditions and fair trade wages are offered to every employee, from truck drivers and managers to baristas and weavers, who design their own fabrics. Lavish textiles, jewelry, and gifts are sold alongside refreshing smoothies and high-quality coffees. When you buy their hand-crafted accessories, you support dignity, hope, and healing for the unwanted and the unwelcomed.