Uganda Magazine Jewelry

Every 14 seconds a child becomes an orphan due to AIDS. In Africa alone, there are 11.6 million AIDS orphans (AVERT). With such staggering numbers, individual stories can get lost—the young teenager left to provide for her siblings or the widow with children but no job skills or education. In Uganda, our partners saw the different souls and heard the individual stories of those broken by the AIDS epidemic. Longing to bring healing and wholeness, they created a program providing employment, health care, counseling, and education for widows and their families. At the community center, now nearly eighty widows gather to make a living by crafting jewelry from recycled magazines. With a new sense of emotional and financial empowerment, these widows have begun expanding their circles of protection and adopting the orphans in their own neighborhoods. WAR is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with these brave women who are mothers to the motherless, offering homes and hope to the lonely and abandoned.