Thai Scarves

She has been abandoned, or widowed. Perhaps she has been raped or seen her sister sold. maybe she has to feed her family and has nothing to sell but herself. These are the stories of women at risk—women who are vulnerable, desperate, and targeted by traffickers. By empowering women to make a living with dignity, WAR, Int’l’s preventative programs strive to “rescue” these women and children before they ever fall prey to traffickers. Women who can provide for themselves and their families are not lured by the money and opportunity “promised” by strangers. They are not driven to selling themselves—or a child—out of sheer desperation. These women can afford education for themselves or their children. They can forge new futures for their families, leave a legacy of safe places, and break generational cycles of poverty and exploitation. The beautiful product in your hands was crafted by one of these women, a woman protected and empowered against all odds.