Mumbai Outreach

As night falls in Mumbai, dedicated outreach teams roam the city’s red-light districts, building friendships with sex workers, homeless youth, and street children. A night shelter provides children of sex workers with a quiet place to sleep, snuggle, and learn to read, while a nearby clinic offers free medical checkups and HIV treatment to all who enter. As outreach teams share their own stories and clinic workers listen with open hearts, they create connections and offer hope to those they encounter. Women and men desiring to leave the streets are offered shelter, counseling, literacy classes, and vocational training within a nurturing community where they can heal and grow. Boys’ and girls’ homes allow children and teens to live and learn in safety, while HIV-positive children receive special care at a home dedicated to their needs. By offering care, community, and a fresh start to those at risk, Mumbai Outreach has empowered hundreds of women, men, and children to live with dignity and build futures of promise.
To protect our partners, we use a pseudonym for the name of this program.