Impact is defined as having a significant or major effect (Miriam-Webster).
Impact can be linking arms with your friends to host a WAR Pop-Up Boutique to have a positive and empowering effect on rescued and at-risk women.

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Our mission is two-fold. We seek to market and sell handcrafted items made by at-risk and rescued men and women from around the world, supporting culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects while educating our shoppers about the risks the vulnerable face in our world. We invite you to shop with a purpose at the WAR Chest Boutique!
When WAR staff was asked to share the one thing they love about serving others in the Event Call Center, here were their responses:
“While on a mission trip to Nepal in college, I was blessed to be able to visit a safe-house, where a precious human trafficking survivor bravely shared her story with my team. We were then given the opportunity to purchase her beautiful hand-made products. I saw the value of supporting a survivor’s small business first-hand! A couple of years later, I started hosting WAR pop-up boutiques, sharing about that brave survivor, and wearing the bracelet she made. I love that I now get to work in WAR’s Event Call Center, booking parties and events where people can purchase survivor-made products and raise awareness with their loved ones! It’s such a blessing to help each hostess through the hosting process, and I still get so excited every time someone new books a pop-up boutique!” -Shelby
“One thing I love about serving in the event call center is getting to hear from our volunteers how the events they worked at went. It’s fun to hear how many people they were able to interact with and share the mission of WAR with and how fired up and excited it makes them for future events and another opportunity to be a part of WAR!” -Hannah
“I love getting to connect with other people that have a heart to make a difference in the lives of those who are at risk and that are rescued from human trafficking. You get to meet some beautiful souls.” -Tiffani
Every $300 in WAR product sales can sustain an individual in one of our partnering international safehouses for a month, on average. This means that every $10 in sales can sustain an individual in one of our partnering international safehouses for a day, on average! Linking arms with your friends to host a WAR Pop-Up Boutique can have a great impact!
When you and your friends host a WAR Pop-Up Boutique, your sweet, important efforts:
– lift wounded women to lives of dignity
– create circles of protection around at-risk and rescued individuals
– invite your friends and family to shop with a purpose
– allow others to buy once but give twice
WAR can’t do what we do without you!
Our work is to give others a hand up, not a handout. Hosting a Pop-Up Boutique is one of the best ways to get involved. It is easy and so much fun! We give you everything you need to host with your friends and walk you through the whole process.
Don’t just take our word for it!
Here are some amazing reviews from WAR Pop-Up Boutique Hostesses:
Larry and Tammy are a husband and wife hosting team who hosted a Pop-Up Boutique at a horse show! People LOVED the glass-blown horse ornaments and stuffed alpaca fur horses. They want to host again!
Bette “Thank you for your close and friendly coaching…you were highly approachable and appreciative, covering all bases to help us succeed! Thank you!”
Pam “We were happy to host! And yes, we want to host again next September! It has become a tradition that the ladies at our ladies’ retreat look forward to!”
Meredith hosted her first-ever Pop-Up Boutique that lasted eight days. She took products to a few different places and had a very positive hosting experience! She gushed about the soft stuffed animals! She said a guest bought one llama for her mother in a nursing home, and one for her therapy clients because petting such a soft stuffed animal is therapeutic! She also said that a mother and daughter came to her booth, looked intently through all of the products, and chose a bracelet. They told Meredith that this bracelet meant a lot to them because they are both survivors! Meredith wants to host again next year!
Beka (Facebook Party) “My friends had some excellent questions for the party consultant, and it was such an amazing experience learning more about WAR’s mission simply because [WAR Staff] was there to answer all of our individual questions! But whether you are hosting a Facebook party or an in-person event, I can personally assure you that WAR makes the process super easy and relatable for hostesses and guests alike – the ladies at the headquarters are a joy to speak with! I chose the Geometric Key Necklace, because I wanted a beautiful reminder that God has given me the key to make brave and vibrant decisions for my life – but for the many women that WAR helps, God uses this organization to provide literal keys of freedom and hope!”
Samantha “I had a really good time and look forward to doing this again.”
Nichole hosted her fourth Pop-Up Boutique. Nichole said it went really well! She and her family had a lot of fun shopping for Christmas with the set. Nichole bought the gray Remembrance bag for her husband to put his stuff in, and he has been using it as an opportunity to share about WAR and raise awareness about human trafficking! She said it’s always a pleasure to host, and she will definitely do it again!
Sara loved hosting a Facebook party; her friends loved the jewelry; and Sara said it was the easiest party she’d ever hosted!
Are you ready to link arms with your friends to impact rescued and at-risk women?
Simply email or call 616-855-0763 to get started!