2023 – By The Numbers

By Becky McDonald, Founder & President
-January 2024


Dear WARriors:

WHAT A YEAR THIS HAS BEEN! It’s been a wild ride in many ways, yet I see God’s hand in every detail. We have a God who loves to concern himself with both big and small things.

• It took a year to recover from what we call “Noah’s Flood” at our HQ, but our building is finally put back together. Given a choice, I would never put a bathroom on the 2nd floor!

• As the fighting in Ukraine continues, we quietly continue to rescue women and children into Moldova and provide thousands of loaves of bread to the Ukrainian front lines.

• In India, orphans who are blind started learning lifelong skills and making state-of-the-art baked goods. We’d never have dreamed that possible, but our partner’s wife sure did!

• We’ve spent months in Africa setting up the Dayspring Ministry Center, and the women’s ministry potential is mind-boggling! I cherish the 10 women already working there and the leadership team who dare to dream with me.

• In Zambia, we’ve seen almost two dozen foundations poured and most of the building completed. The clinic is slowly coming together as God brings in the funds. I can’t wait to take medical teams to address the many unmet needs, many of them so easy to deal with yet so vital to wellness.

• In answer to prayer, a fire at the Dayspring Ministry Center stopped short of the main property. It reminds us that we are totally dependent on the protection of God himself.

• We led anti-trafficking trainings in medical, military, university, industry, and faith-based settings.

• We witnessed rescues resulting from anti-trafficking trainings, survivors telling their stories, 911 Rescue calls, and WAR programs. It pours steel in our backbone to witness lives set free!

• We’ve created new products, trained more women to live with dignity, seen their beautiful products delight the buyer, and had corporations ask how they can help.

• We’ve seen America slowly awaken to the reality of human trafficking as a worldwide problem. It’s our goal to teach them how to respond to the largest danger facing our children today.

• We are witnessing a moving among men to rise up and be protectors.

• We willingly serve as we are increasingly invited to share and encourage audiences to join our work.

• WAR, Int’l has felt a deep joy in the hard work of rescue and aftercare. Our staff continue to faithfully invade the darkness and diligently work behind the scenes to set captives free.

• YOU have had our backs, been our own circle of protection, and made all we do a reality! We couldn’t have done our job without YOU!

In partnership with you,
Rebecca McDonald
Founder & President